Computer Science Superheroes

There are three CS Superheroes described. Each one has a picture and description of their contribution.

CS Spotlight: Kathleen Booth

Kathleen Booth's main contribution to computer science is making the first assembly language in 1947. The function of this was to translate inputs into machine languages. HERE, HERE, and HERE are more resources.

kathleen booth

CS Spotlight: Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson's main contribution to computer science was calculating the path for the Apollo 11. She made all the calculations, and got the astronauts to and from the moon safely.HERE, HERE, and HERE are additional resources about her life and work in CS.
katherine johnson

CS Spotlight: Alan Turing

Alan Turing's main contribution to computer science was cracking the German Enigma code in WWII. His work not only helped the Allies win the war, but it also led to the advancement of artificial intelligence. HERE, HERE, and HERE are more details.
alan turing